11 Things I Learned From Being a Traveling Nomad
I looked at my calendar today, took in a big breath, and muttered: "13 days." That's when I get on a plane to my new home: San Francisco. It's bittersweet. 8 months ago I set out from South Carolina with a backpack and laptop bag. I took a road trip from the east to the west coast, lived and traveled through Central America, and crossed a couple things off my bucket list. Yet it wasn't about these things. It was what happened between September and May. It was the journey. These are 11 things I learned from the last eight months of living and traveling nomadically. What I learned. Don't go off quitting your job and traveling the world because I did and if you show up at my house, knocking on my door and asking me why you didn't learn these things while traveling, then I'll come down with a sudden case of long-term memory loss. Nonetheless, I hope that even just one of these inspires you in a way that it has inspired me.